Bug Hunting
Are you confident your website is bug-free?
Let our expert team uncover hidden issues you may not even be aware of !
Soft-bugs specialists
Our focus is on enhancing your website's user experience, ensuring it's reassuring, user-friendly, dynamic, and error-free. These efforts are geared towards optimizing conversion rates and consequently boosting your financial performance.
Increased conversion rate for every page modified by our experts.
Increased engagement rate for every page processed by our experts.
When should you consider our services ?
Before sales period
Following integrating new features
Ahead of launching a new product
After major website updates.
Because you have never conducted a soft bug audit
After changes in the technological landscape
Our bug hunting service operates on a Sprint format, available for purchase in bundles of 10 hours each.
$100 per hour.
Improve your brand image
Relieve your teams' mental workload
Boost your conversion rate
Let our experts check your website's relevance and fluidity !
Ask for a quote. Get in touch with our team